Our Services
Emergence Count Studies
Conduct nocturnal observations to quantify species presence and patterns of roost size.
Comprehensive data collection during emergence periods, providing valuable insights into nocturnal behaviors.
Species Presence and Inventory Studies
Systematic surveys for cataloging and analyzing species presence, ensuring a thorough inventory.
Utilization of cutting-edge field techniques and technologies for precise species identification and behavioral assessments.
Tree Inventory and Habitat Assessments
Thorough inventory of tree populations, including species identification and health assessments.
Habitat assessments seamlessly integrating tree data, fostering a holistic understanding of ecosystems.
Endangered Species Act Compliance
In-depth research on listed species presence and habitat, ensuring compliance with the Endangered Species Act.
On-site species evaluations conducted by our experts, providing critical data for regulatory adherence.
No-effect determinations and comprehensive biological assessments to guide projects through compliance requirements.
State and Local Agency Compliance
Rigorous site evaluation and database research for compliance with state and local regulations.
Wildlife and habitat assessments, offering insights crucial for successful compliance.
Development of wildlife and habitat management plans, ensuring alignment with local agency requirements.